Deep models of Semantic Knowledge (DemoSem)
The project aims to design optimal deep models of assembled pieces of knowledge from corpora (syntagmatic relations) and lexicons (paradigmatic relations) with the help of the mathematical state-of-the-art methods, which include graph-based approaches and deep neural networks.
Quality Translation by deep Language Engineering Approaches.
Machine translation is a computational procedure that seeks to provide the translation of utterances from one language into another language.
Research and development around this grand challenge is bringing this technology to a level of maturity that already supports useful practical solutions. It permits to get at least the gist of the utterances being translated, and even to get pretty good results for some language pairs in some focused discourse domains, helping to reduce costs and to improve productivity in international businesses.
The goal of QTLeap project is to research on and deliver an articulated methodology for machine translation that explores deep language engineering approaches in view of breaking the way to translations of higher quality.
Linking Legal Open Data in Europe.
CLARIN stands for “Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure”.
CLARIN makes digital language resources available to scholars, researchers, students and citizen-scientists from all disciplines, especially in the humanities and social sciences, through single sign-on access. CLARIN offers long-term solutions and technology services for deploying, connecting, analyzing and sustaining digital language data and tools. CLARIN supports scholars who want to engage in cutting edge data-driven research, contributing to a truly multilingual European Research Area.
The CLEF Initiative (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, formerly known as Cross-Language Evaluation Forum) is a self-organized body whose main mission is to promote research, innovation, and development of information access systems with an emphasis on multilingual and multimodal information with various levels of structure.
Since 2000 the CLEF has played a leading role in stimulating investigation and research in a wide range of key areas in the information retrieval domain, becoming well-known in the international IR community. It has also promoted the study and implementation of appropriate evaluation methodologies for diverse types of tasks and media.
Past Projects
We were involved in the following projects:
- EuroMatrixPlus – Bringing Machine Translation for European Languages to the User – Bulgarian-English Resources,
- FLaReNet – Fostering Language Resources Network. (National Representative),
- LTfLL – Language Technologies for Lifelong Learning. We are responsible for Common Semantic Framework, Ontologies, Semantic Annotation,
- AsIsKnown – A Semantic-Based Knowledge Flow System for the European Home Textiles Industry. We are responsible for the Ontologies, Lexicons and Semantic Annotation,
- LT4eL – Language Technology for eLearning. We were responsible for the Ontologies, Lexicons, Semantic Annotation and Bulgarian Resources,
- BulTreeBank – HPSG-based Syntactic Treebank of Bulgarian. We have created a Bulgarian Treebank, Text Archive, Morphosyntactic Corpus, Partial Grammars, and other tools for Bulgarian,
- CLaRK – Tьbingen-Sofia International Graduate Programme in Computational Linguistics and Represented Knowledge . We have implemented the CLaRK System.