9th to 13th of August, 2004
A workshop held as part of the
Sixteenth European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI-2004)
9th to 20th of August, Nancy, France
Workshop Programme
Workshop Organizers:
Erhard Hinrichs (University of Tübingen)
Kiril Simov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Workshop Purpose:
Up until recently shallow and deep approaches to natural language processing were largely considered complementary, if not rival, paradigms in computational linguistics, serving different purposes and each facing their own limitations. Due to recent advances in statistical methods and machine learning approaches for NLP and in efficient processing algorithms for high-level grammar formalisms, there are now highly promising attempts to combine shallow and deep processing techniques: e.g. using part-of-speech tagging and/or chunk parsing as pre-processing steps for constraint-based parsing or for memory-based parsing. The workshop aims to provide a forum for advanced PhD students and researchers to present and discuss their work with colleagues and researchers who work in the broad subject areas represented at ESSLLI. While papers can be submitted by researchers at any rank, we particularly encourage submissions by junior researchers and PhD students.
Workshop Topics:
- language models for deep robust processing;
- architecture for combining shallow and deep processing;
- machine learning techniques for deep language processing;
- definition of the connection between the levels of processing;
- language resources for deep language processing;
- software systems for implementation of hybrid architecture for language processing;
- applications
Authors are invited to submit a full paper. Papers should describe existing research connected to the topics of the workshop. Submissions should not exceed 10 A4 pages. The following format are accepted: PDF, PS, MS Word, ASCII text. Each submission should provide the following information: title; author(s); affiliation(s); and contact author’s e-mail address, postal address.
The papers should be sent electronically to:
Kiril Simov
Email: kivs@bultreebank.org
by the deadline listed below. The submissions will be reviewed by the workshop’s programme committee. The accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings published by ESSLLI. The format of the final versions will be PDF, PS.
Workshop Format:
The workshop is part of ESSLLI and is open to all ESSLLI participants. It will consist of five 90-minute sessions held over five consecutive days in the first week of ESSLLI. The presentation at the workshop will be 45 minutes long (35 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and discussion).
Invited Speakers:
Detmar Meurers, Ohio State University
Sandra Kübler, Tübingen University
Program Committee:
Sabine Buchholz, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd
Herve Dejean, Xerox Research Centre Europe
Anette Frank, DFKI
Erhard W. Hinrichs, Tübingen University (co-chair)
Josef van Genabith, Dublin City University
Frank Keller, University of Edinburgh
Sandra Kübler, Tübingen University
Detmar Meurers, Ohio State University
Petya Osenova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences & Sofia University
Adam Przepiorkowski, Polish Academy of Sciences
Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (co-chair)
Important dates
Deadline for the workshop paper submission: 16th March 2004
Notification of acceptance 19th April 2004
Final version of the papers for the workshop proceedings 15th May 2004
Local Arrangements:
All workshop participants including the presenters will be required to register for ESSLLI. The registration fee for authors presenting a paper will correspond to the early student/workshop speaker registration fee. Moreover, a number of additional fee waiver grants will be made available by the OC on a competative basis and workshop participants are eligible to apply for those. There will be no reimbursement for travel costs and accommodation. Workshop speakers who have difficulty in finding funding should contact the local organizing committee to ask for the possibilities for a grant.