20th and 21st September 2002, Sozopol, Bulgaria
Table of Contents
BibTex data for the proceedings is available.
It was prepared by Frank Schumacher, University of Muenster, Arbeitsbereich Linguistik.
Elisaveta Balabanova and Krassimira Ivanova
Creating a machine-readable version of Bulgarian valence dictionary: (A case study of CLaRK system application)
Philippe Blache and Marie-Laure Guénot
Flexible Corpus Annotation with Property Grammar
Sabine Brants, Stefanie Dipper, Silvia Hansen, Wolfgang Lezius, George Smith
TIGER Treebank
Aoife Cahill, Mairéad McCarthy, Josef Van Genabith and Andy Way
Evaluating Automatic F-Structure Annotation for the Penn-II Treebank
Montserrat Civit, M. Martí Antònín
Design Principles for a Spanish Treebank
Erhard Hinrichs and Julia Trushkina
Forging Agreement: Morphological Disambiguation of Noun Phrases
Krassimira Ivanova, Dimitar Doikoff
Cascaded Regular Grammars and Constraints over Morphologically Annotated Data for Ambiguity Resolution
Jiří Mírovský, Roman Ondruška and Daniel Průša
Searching through Prague Dependency Treebank Conception and Architecture
Joakim Nivre
What kinds of trees grow in Swedish soil? A Comparison of Four Annotation Schemes for Swedish
Stephan Oepen, Dan Flickinger, Kristina Toutanova, Christoper D. Manning
LinGO Redwoods: A Rich and Dynamic Treebank for HPSG
Petya Osenova
Bulgarian Nominal Chunks and Mapping Strategies for Deeper Syntactic Analyses
Petya Osenova and Sia Kolkovska
Combining the named-entity recognition task and NP chunking strategy for robust pre-processing
Kiril Simov, Alexander Simov, Milen Kouylekov, Krassimira Ivanova
CLaRK System: Construction of Treebanks
Milena Slavcheva
Segmentation Layers in the Group of the Predicate: a Case Study of Bulgarian within the BulTreeBank Framework
Oliver Streiter
Treebank Development with Deductive and Abductive Explanation-based Learning: Exploratory Experiments
Yovka Tisheva and Marina Dzhonova
Information Structure Level in TreeBanks
Kristina Toutanova, Christoper D. Manning, Stephan Oepen
Parse Ranking for a Rich HPSG Grammar
Tzvetomira Venkova
Bilingual corpora as a platform for cross-linguistic treebank development