Programme of The First Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT2002)

20th and 21st September 2002, Sozopol, Bulgaria


20th September 2002
Session 1, Chair: Erhard Hinrichs
Opening 09:00-09:15
Hans Uszkoreit, Invited Speaker 09:15-10:15
Sabine Brants, Stefanie Dipper, Silvia Hansen, Wolfgang Lezius, George Smith
TIGER Treebank
Coffee break 10:40-11:00
Session 2, Chair: Sandra Kübler
Erhard Hinrichs and Julia Trushkina
Forging Agreement: Morphological Disambiguation of Noun Phrases
Joakim Nivre
What kinds of trees grow in Swedish soil? A Comparison of Four Annotation Schemes for Swedish
Kiril Simov, Alexander Simov, Milen Kouylekov, Krassimira Ivanova
CLaRK System: Construction of Treebanks
Lunch 12:15-14:00
Session 3, Chair: Kiril Simov
Petya Osenova
Bulgarian Nominal Chunks and Mapping Strategies for Deeper Syntactic Analyses
Milena Slavcheva
Segmentation Layers in the Group of the Predicate: a Case Study of Bulgarian within the BulTreeBank Framework
Coffee break 14:50-15:10
Session 4, Chair: Hans Uszkoreit
Stephan Oepen, Dan Flickinger, Kristina Toutanova, Christoper D. Manning
LinGO Redwoods: A Rich and Dynamic Treebank for HPSG
15:10 – 15:35
Kristina Toutanova, Christoper D. Manning, Stephan Oepen
Parse Ranking for a Rich HPSG Grammar
Aoife Cahill, Mairéad McCarthy, Josef Van Genabith and Andy Way
Evaluating Automatic F-Structure Annotation for the Penn-II Treebank
Coffee break 16:25-16:35
Discussion 16:35 – open end
Dinner 20:00
21th September 2002
Session 5, Chair: Tilman Berger
Frantisek Cermak, Invited Speaker
Today´s Corpus Linguistics: Some Open Questions
Jiří Mírovský, Roman Ondruška and Daniel Průša
Searching through Prague Dependency Treebank Conception and Architecture
Coffee break 11:10-11:30
Session 6, Chair: Vladimir Petkevič
Yovka Tisheva and Marina Dzhonova
Information Structure Level in TreeBanks
Tzvetomira Venkova
Bilingual corpora as a platform for cross-linguistic treebank development
Lunch 12:20-14:00
Session 7, Chair: Frantisek Cermak
Elisaveta Balabanova and Krassimira Ivanova
Creating a machine-readable version of Bulgarian valence dictionary: (A case study of CLaRK system application)
Krassimira Ivanova, Dimitar Doikoff
Cascaded Regular Grammars and Constraints over Morphologically Annotated Data for Ambiguity Resolution
Petya Osenova and Sia Kolkovska
Combining the named-entity recognition task and NP chunking strategy for robust pre-processing
Coffee break 15:15:15:35
Session 8, Chair: Karel Oliva
Montserrat Civit, M. Martí Antònín
Design Principles for a Spanish Treebank
Philippe Blanche and Marie-Laure Guénot
Flexible Corpus Annotation with Property Grammar
Oliver Streiter
Treebank Development with Deductive and Abductive Explanation-based Learning: Exploratory Experiments
Closing session 16:50-17:00