In memory of father Roberto Busa (1913-2011)
12th December 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria
ARCH-3 is a co-event of The Twelfth Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories
Ministry of Education and Science;
Ontotext AD
Workshop proceedings.
Workshop Programme
The venue will be at the Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“. A plan on the building is given here. The two entrances are marked by red arrows.
Accommodation and Information about Sofia
The workshop aims at building a tighter collaboration between people working in various areas of the Humanities (such as literature, philology, history etc.) and the research community involved in developing, using and making annotated corpora accessible.
Addressing topics related to annotated corpora for research in the Humanities is an interdisciplinary task, which involves corpus and computational linguists (mostly those working in literary computing), philologists, scholars in the Humanities and computer scientists. However, this interdisciplinarity is not fully realised yet. Indeed, philologists and scholars are not used to exploit NLP tools and language resources such as annotated corpora; in turn, computational linguists are more prone to develop language resources for NLP purposes only.
For instance, although many corpora that play a relevant role for research in Humanities are today available in digital format (theatrical plays, contemporary novels, critical literature, literary reviews etc.), only a few of them are linguistically tagged, while most still lack linguistic tagging at all. Historical corpora are also a case of special interest, since their creation demands a strong interplay between computational linguistics and more traditional scholarship. Over the past few years a number of historical annotated corpora have been started, among which are treebanks for Middle, Early Modern and Old English, Early New High German, Medieval Portuguese, Ugaritic, Latin, Ancient Greek and several translations of the New Testament into Indo-European languages. The experience of these ever-growing group of projects can provide many suggestions on the methodology as well as on the practice of interaction between literary studies, philology and corpus linguistics.
Moreover, we believe that a tighter collaboration between people working in the Humanities and the research community involved in developing annotated corpora is needed since, while annotating a corpus from scratch still remains a labor-intensive and time-consuming task, today this is simplified by intensively exploiting prior experience in the field.
This edition of ACRH will be dedicated to the memory of father Roberto Busa, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth (November 28, 1913). ACRH-3 will devote one special session dedicated to father Busa featuring one introduction and one invited talk, which will be given by the recipient of the 2013 Busa Award, Prof. Willard McCarty (King’s College, London, UK).
Previous editions of ACRH:
- on 5th January 2012, Heidelberg, Germany (website)
- on 29th November 2012, Lisbon, Portugal (website)
Call for Papers
Important dates
Deadlines: always midnight, UTC (‘Coordinated Universal Time’), ignoring DST (‘Daylight Saving Time’):
- Deadline for paper submission: 22nd September 2013
- Notification of acceptance: 25th October 2013
- Final version of paper: 17th November 2013
- Conference registration deadline: 17th November 2013
- Workshop: 12th December 2013
Invited Speaker
Willard McCarty (King’s College, London, UK)
Program Committee Chairs
- Francesco Mambrini, Deutsches Archдologisches Institut, Berlin, Germany
- Marco Passarotti, Universitа Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy
- Caroline Sporleder, University of Trier, Germany
Program Committee
- Stefanie Dipper, Germany
- Voula Giouli, Greece
- Iris Hendrickx, Portugal
- Erhard Hinrichs, Germany
- Cerstin Mahlow, Switzerland
- Alexander Mehler, Germany
- Jirí Mírovský, Czech Republic
- Michael Piotrowski, Germany
- Paul Rayson, UK
- Martin Reynaert, The Netherlands
- Jeff Rydberg Cox, USA
- Kiril Simov, Bulgaria
- Stefan Sinclair, Canada
- Mark Steedman, UK
- Frank Van Eynde, Belgium
Contact Information
For information on this workshop please contact marco.passarotti at
Local Organization Committee
- Petya Osenova (Sofia University)
- Kiril Simov (IICT-BAS)
- Stanislava Kancheva (Sofia University)
- Georgi Georgiev (Ontotext)
- Borislav Popov (Ontotext)